
50 Shades of White...

Hey guys.  No, this is not a blog post about the Fifty Shades of Grey series.  So if you think you are going to read a posting about bodice ripping and sex, you will just have to stay tuned for another day ;) 
So...I normally don't rant about my work, and to be honest I know most of you really don't care to hear about what is going on in the wedding world (well, unless you are getting married any time soon).  But there is an epidemic on the rise and I can not keep quiet about it anymore. 
I have been a part of the wedding planning/event planning world in some fashion or another for the past 8 years, and even the most skilled Bridezilla Wranglers (like myself) are taking notice of this growing problem.  It has even crossed into the tuxedo world which is my specialty, and I am getting tired of it.  There are only so many bullets you can dodge in your day and only so many tricks you can use to put out the fires caused by a Bridezilla on the rampage!  And this time around, this wrangler is about ready to hang up her lasso and give in.  So here is the problem boys and girls.  Maybe you can help me.
Just how many shades of white are there in this world?!
I got into a discussion with my partner in crime Nicole about this subject at work and just how many shades (or rather, non-shades) of white actually exist in today's wedding world.  She actually gave me idea to blog about this and I must credit her with the awesome title.
Here are just a few, and you tell me you wouldn't go crazy over this load of bridal bullshit:
White (Oh course)
Off-white (Or ivory if you're feeling technical)
Diamond White
Soft White
Candlelight White
Eggshell White
Antique White
Anti-Flash White
Snow White
Splashed White (What the hell??)
Ecru (It's a really dirty white...it's been a bad, bad white)
Ghost White (Boo!)
Smoke White (That just sounds dirty)
Pearl White
Pale White
Magnolia White
Oleander White
Vintage White
...and my personal favorite...Hussy White...for the frisky brides!
See!  It is enough to drive even the most skilled wedding professionals mad! 
See what I mean!  When will the madness end!
Since when did the word "white" become so loose?  It's the whore of the color world! It needs to stay out of all the other shades and just be left alone.  You don't need to try and be different, you're good just the way you are. 
If I have one more bride come into my store and tell me her dress is any shade other than white or ivory my head is going to explode!  Seriously, I am going to let you in on a little secret: IT IS ALL THE SAME SHADE OF WHITE!! THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE IN THE COLOR!! I know...the image is shattered.
It is a ploy in my opinion (I really have no proof, just a theory) to make it hard on all parties involved throwing or planning a wedding for a bride and groom.  In reality, there should only be 3 colors:
Black...for the offbeat brides like my Austin friend Nicole would do.  
Eat your heart out, Vera Wang.
No more shades or names are needed!  Why make something more difficult to match?  I am tired of cracking my whip at people about this.  Consider this your warning.  Change the color back to normal and stop making dresses in that shade.  I am not the only one who feels this way.  I speak for the entire wedding community.  Don't make us break off a toasting flute and use it as a shiv.  We are for real-real, not for play-play.
You have been warned.


Back in the B-L-O-G...

Hey Guys.  Long time no blog.  I know, I am sorry.  Please forgive me?

Things have been rolling right along for me here in Macyland.  Let us see what has happened since we last talked.  We (the roommates and I and the 5 kit-kats) moved into a spacious house, work has been awesome as usual, and I am planning a little vacation in about a week and a half.  Other than that I am trying not to melt in the hot hot heat of the Texas summer.

I tried to think of a really good topic of discussion for my first blog back in over a couple months.  Nothing really juicy has happened to me that is noteworthy and to be honest, it is a little sad :(
I'm not saying that life has to be a roller coaster ever single moment, but the summer has been quite...well...ordinary.  And you know, I'm okay with that.

This past year has been so chaotic having my world turned on it's side that it feels good to just sit back, try and relax, and not to have to worry about the bottom dropping out.  Things are falling into place, my friendships are wonderful, my family is growing by the day, and I am thankful that I can just take the time to sit still, be silent, and watch as things coast.

It has taken me a long time to get to this point.  For the past 6 months or so I have had to relearn how to take care of myself.  I totally forgot how to make sure I am alright.  I became accustomed to being put on the back burner and controlling everything in my life.  I have had to retrain myself into putting myself first and taking care of my health, my head, and my heart.

I plan on updating a lot more now that I got the old desktop out of storage and bummed a desk off my lovely friend Amber.  I am writing again, drafting my thoughts and thinking about what I want to do with my time.  So stay tuned because I assure you things can only go up from here.

I will try to cause some trouble so I have something interesting to write about next time.  That I promise.

Adios Amigos.