
Back in the B-L-O-G...

Hey Guys.  Long time no blog.  I know, I am sorry.  Please forgive me?

Things have been rolling right along for me here in Macyland.  Let us see what has happened since we last talked.  We (the roommates and I and the 5 kit-kats) moved into a spacious house, work has been awesome as usual, and I am planning a little vacation in about a week and a half.  Other than that I am trying not to melt in the hot hot heat of the Texas summer.

I tried to think of a really good topic of discussion for my first blog back in over a couple months.  Nothing really juicy has happened to me that is noteworthy and to be honest, it is a little sad :(
I'm not saying that life has to be a roller coaster ever single moment, but the summer has been quite...well...ordinary.  And you know, I'm okay with that.

This past year has been so chaotic having my world turned on it's side that it feels good to just sit back, try and relax, and not to have to worry about the bottom dropping out.  Things are falling into place, my friendships are wonderful, my family is growing by the day, and I am thankful that I can just take the time to sit still, be silent, and watch as things coast.

It has taken me a long time to get to this point.  For the past 6 months or so I have had to relearn how to take care of myself.  I totally forgot how to make sure I am alright.  I became accustomed to being put on the back burner and controlling everything in my life.  I have had to retrain myself into putting myself first and taking care of my health, my head, and my heart.

I plan on updating a lot more now that I got the old desktop out of storage and bummed a desk off my lovely friend Amber.  I am writing again, drafting my thoughts and thinking about what I want to do with my time.  So stay tuned because I assure you things can only go up from here.

I will try to cause some trouble so I have something interesting to write about next time.  That I promise.

Adios Amigos. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad things are going well! I miss you. If your vacation brings you 'round these here parts, give me a holler, ya hear! Love you Macy <3
