
The Blogger and the Beast...

Oh, hipster Belle. I heart you. 

Hey guys.  So I threw this thought up on Facebook a while back and for some reason or another the topic found its way back into conversation today.  The topic was about an article I read about girls, primarily in their 20's, who are suffering from this "Glass Slipper" syndrome.  At least that is what I am calling it.  You can call it the "I watched too many Disney movies as a kid" disease.

But what struck me as being odd is that more and more people I know tend to have something similar to this so-called complex.  Think about it.  If you're a fellow chick and you're reading this, what Disney Princess do you relate yourself to?  I know you have an answer.

The idea of the complex is quite simple.  It basically says that us ladies not only expect a knight in shinning armor to rescue us from our boring 9-5 daily lives, but that he will be able to do so while singing in perfect pitch and be able to defeat an evil witch/stepmother/queen.  No pressure guys.  I hope you can carry a tune though.

"I had to kill a dragon, and you couldn't even brush your teeth before I got here?"

It also expressed that while we want our Prince Charming to hurry the hell along and find us already, we choose to not be proactive and go out and seek this Mr. Wonderful ourselves.  That someway or another he will find us, leaving him to do all the legwork.

We as a generation have become so enamored with the idea of the romantic fairy tale rescue that us girls think if we just chill and not make any sudden moves, our prince-dude will show up at our doorstep with footwear and we will live happily ever after.  If only it worked like that.

"Ladies, it ain't as easy as it looks."

For me I am torn between two princesses: Belle and Cinderella.  If you ask me, Belle is the ultimate Disney geek princess.  She spends all her free time with her nose in a book, she has the crazy inventor father, which if you ask me creates contraptions that look rather Steampunk (which is awesome BTW), and she falls in love with the scruffy, unkempt Prince who, come on nerd ladies, kinda reminds us of our favorite nerdy leading man, right?

That's right, ladies.  Soak up every bit of that sexy Seth Rogan. 

Cinderella on the other hand is someone I relate to on a personal level.  Her dad dies when she is a young girl and she is stuck with her awful stepmother and stepsisters, doing their damn laundry, cleaning their damn house, and her only friends are mice and a dimwitted dog.  Now I didn't have the evil stepmother or the nasty extended family she did, but if she had cats instead of a Fairy Godmother I would think Walt Disney mirrored this flick on my life.

"If you give a girl a glass slipper, she's only going to ask you for a carriage made out of produce."

The point of this post is this:  I, Macy the Lit Chick, suffer from this "Glass Slipper" bullocks.  I think that if I just sit around on the couch eating Doritos my Prince Charming will show up and I won't have to lift one finger to make it a reality.  If I dream it, it will become real.  All the romance novels I have ever read will have groomed me for that moment, and you bet your glass slippers I'll be ready.  But you know what?  THAT IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!!  You have to be proactive.  Make your own damn fairy tale.  Get up, brush your teeth, and pray to God that no one tries to poison you via apple.  Cause that is just rude. 
So my goal is to be more active in finding my happily ever after.  And if I can't find a guy to buy me shoes, I guess I'll just have to do it myself.  It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it. 
I wonder if Converse makes glass slippers.  
Happy Ever After!!


  1. Wow. You're so right. I had to come to terms awhile back that I will never get the fairy tale relationship. It's not real. A bit of a bummer that I can't live in a Rom-Com either. But you're right, we gotta make our own fairy tales! I absolutely love reading your blog BTW.
